Is it just me, or does this birthday seem like such a huge, huge milestone? Maybe it's because my boy has been literally talking about turning five since the day he turned four. He has grown up so much this past year, figuratively and physically - it has been the most bittersweet thing to watch. I know I am incredibly biased, but he is one cool kid.
Weight: 34 pounds 6 ounces (9th percentile)
Height: 40 1/2 inches (11th percentile)
- Has become quite the sensitive little soul. He gets scared and his feelings hurt easily yet is also very tough physically. It's a weird combo
- Terrified of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. I'm thankful I can tell him that we don't have hurricanes or tornadoes in our part of the country because he's constantly confirming those facts with me just to be sure
- I assure him there are no hurricanes and then he says, "But there is a hurricane in the Little Mermaid!" and so I assure him that the Little Mermaid is just a story and then the conversation goes off into this tangent about whether or not the Little Mermaid takes place in "our world" (aka the planet Earth)
- I assure him there are no hurricanes and then he says, "But there is a hurricane in the Little Mermaid!" and so I assure him that the Little Mermaid is just a story and then the conversation goes off into this tangent about whether or not the Little Mermaid takes place in "our world" (aka the planet Earth)
- He's super particular about his socks being on super straight and not having "bumps." His shoes also need to be really snug on his feet. That said, he loves wearing his rain boots which are as lose as could be so this boggles my mind a bit
- Loves hot wheel cars and his Cars diecast cars, especially ones with spoilers
- Obsessed with seeing spoilers on actual cars and is always asking if we can buy an actual car with a spoiler on it

- Loves soccer, t-ball, basketball, gymnastics, bowling, and swimming
- Wears 4T/5T tops and 4T bottoms
- Speaking of bottoms, he really hates that his 4T bottoms are too big in the waist and too long in length and DOES NOT want his pant legs to touch his feet or shoes
- Is a seriously great big brother. He is always asking to tuck Zoey into bed all by himself and is always asking if he can go wake her up
- Is a seriously great big brother. He is always asking to tuck Zoey into bed all by himself and is always asking if he can go wake her up
- Favorite thing to eat is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
- We are having an on-going debate on who is faster - a cheetah or The Flash
- Is quite the spiritual little fellow, which is interesting to me because it's not something we discuss much at home. He says his prayers every night without prompt or question and is quick to say that Jesus will keep him brave and safe if he's scared of the aforementioned natural disasters
- We are having an on-going debate on who is faster - a cheetah or The Flash
- Is quite the spiritual little fellow, which is interesting to me because it's not something we discuss much at home. He says his prayers every night without prompt or question and is quick to say that Jesus will keep him brave and safe if he's scared of the aforementioned natural disasters
- Went to Santa Cruz, California for the first time and I'm pretty sure he would have stayed there forever if we had let him. While there I forced him to ride a log ride and I may have scarred him for life
- Favorite shows are PJ Masks, Paw Patrol, Blaze and the Monster Machines, Lion Guard, and Team Umizoomi
- Favorite movies are Cars 1, 2, and 3, Annie, How to Train Your Dragon, Peter Pan, Toy Story 1, 2, and 3, and The Little Mermaid
- Played his second season of YMCA t-ball with Mommy and Daddy and The Great Bambinos
- Played his second season of Tracyton Soccer with Mommy and Daddy and The Dragons

- Is perfecting his swimming and swims without a life jacket
- Seems to have a really good memory. He can recall adventures, events, places we've visited, and conversations we've had with eerie accuracy
- Is very protective of his little sister

- Is perfecting his swimming and swims without a life jacket
- Seems to have a really good memory. He can recall adventures, events, places we've visited, and conversations we've had with eerie accuracy
- Is very protective of his little sister
- He is the snuggliest of the snuggle bugs
- Tries to come up with any excuse in the world to not have to sleep in his bed and sleep in our bed. He really hits me in the feelers when he says "but Mommy, I just want to snuggle with you" or "but Mommy, I just love you." Other excuses are that he is afraid of bears or that moss is going to take over the city
- Tries to come up with any excuse in the world to not have to sleep in his bed and sleep in our bed. He really hits me in the feelers when he says "but Mommy, I just want to snuggle with you" or "but Mommy, I just love you." Other excuses are that he is afraid of bears or that moss is going to take over the city
- Obsessed with bath bombs and asking me to ask Siri how to say various words or phrases in Spanish and French
- Can count to 100
Now for an interview update:
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Movie: Tarzan
Favorite TV Show: PJ Masks
Favorite Animal: Elephant, giraffe, and zebra
Favorite Book: Pout Pout Fish
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Superman
Who is your best friend?: "Everyone is my best friend!"
Favorite thing to learn about at school: Jaguars
Favorite food: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
Favorite Drink: Water and juice
Favorite Activity: Going to eat and play at McDonald's
Favorite Song: Jingle Bell Rock
Favorite thing about yourself: "I'm good at bowling"
Camden James. There really are no words to adequately describe how much I love you and how proud I am to be your Mommy. Of course, I'm biased, but you are one super cool little guy. You are smart, funny, outgoing, and very silly. People that don't even know you are always commenting on your energy and your happy demeanor. You asked me this morning if I could believe you are 5, and I honestly can't. Being your mom is such a joy and privilege. It truly is an honor. I love you, my Super Cam.
Take Luck,