
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Cam is FOUR

I truly feel like I was just talking about Cam being 3.5.  Now, here we are and he's four.  FOUR!!!  And as he was very quick to remind me, "four is almost five!"

Man, do I love this kid.  And truth be told - I have heard horror stories of the "three's."  But to be honest - I loved (almost) every minute of Camden James as a three year old.  I know I am biased and President of the Camden Fan Club, but he is one cool dude.

Weight: 32 pounds (17th percentile)
Height: 38 inches (9th percentile)

- loves to go bowling at All Star Lanes 

- has started to accept Wii Bowling at home as an alternative if it just doesn't work to go to All Star Lanes

- the Wii has also introduced him to sword fighting and I am so thankful for an activity that keeps him quiet but exhausts him all at the same time

- he got Track Master Sky High Bridge Jump for his birthday and he through the roof excited.  Just ask him about it.  Or don't because he will talk so fast that you will hear "Sky Bridge" and not understand anything else.

- can identify all uppercase and lowercase letters

- can write all uppercase letters

- can count to 40

- loves to talk about planets and space and can name the planets in their order

- favorite shows are PJ Masks, Blaze and the Monster Machines, Wild Kratts, Bubble Guppies, and Lion Guard

- favorite movies are Moana, Trolls, Finding Dory, Frozen, The Minion Movie, and Peter Pan

- finished his first season of Tracyton Soccer Club, playing for the Dragons and wearing #6

- is a Comet at gymnastics and absolutely adores his coach, Sam

- starting YMCA basketball in January and I am preparing to be incredibly entertained by a bunch of four and five-year olds trying to walk/run and dribble

- would eat 15 Z-bars a day if I let him

- is super snuggle and cuddly

- says "I love you, Mommy," about 10 times a day

- talks about having "missing teeth" when he's big boy

- taking on more responsibilities like putting his trash in the garbage, putting his dirty dishes in the sink, turning lights off when leaving a room, and dressing himself

- wears 4T tops, 3T bottoms, and size 8 shoes

- loves to sing and dance

I asked him if I could "interview" him, and after explaining what an "interview" was - he obliged.

Favorite color: Purple
Favorite movie: Moana
Favorite TV show: PJ Masks
Favorite animal: Elephant and giraffe
Favorite book: Big Book of Trains
What do you want to be when you grow up?: Police officer
Who is your best friend?: Monroe
What's your favorite thing to learn about in school?: The letter "C" for Camden
Favorite food: veggie straws
Favoriate drink: chocolate milk
Favorite activity: color and cut paper, watch the iPad
Favorite song: The Elsa Song ("Let it Go" from Frozen)
Favorite thing about yourself: Being a good boy and getting on purple

Cammy, Cammy, Cammy.  You are one special little guy.  I love you more than I could have ever thought possible.  You are kind, sensitive, funny (so funny!), smart, and light up the room when you're around.  I love seeing your imagination at work and watching the world through your inquisitive mind.  I love you to the moon and stars, and all the way to Pluto, the dwarf planet.   

Take Luck,

Friday, December 2, 2016

Zoey - 18 Months

Time is a jerk.  And a thief.  Zo Bug is 18 months old today.

And she's just as thrilled about it as I am.

Weight: 21 pounds 5 ounces (34th percentile)
Height: 31 1/2 inches (41st percentile)
Head Circumference: 17 inches (1st percentile)

- She is so busy.  I thought Cam was busy at this age, but man.  She brings the energy.

- Super, duper chatty and says mama/mommy, dada/daddy, bubba, papa, gaga, Flo, thank you, please, hi, bye, milk, book, outside, shoes, uh oh, ow, ouchie, kitty, doggy, yes, no, bath, potty, poo poo

- Wears mostly 12 month clothing, with some 18 month items thrown in the mix

- Still a happy gal, but sass and a little attitude has started to show itself

- Climbs on all the things despite our repeated attempts to tell her not to

- Managed to climb out of her pack and play at daycare just this week

- Her favorite toy is still her lovey, Flo, and whatever else Camden is trying to play with

- Her favorite book is If Animals Kissed Goodnight

- She is all about watching Finding Dory right now

- Continues to be fearless and a tiny destructor

- Puts all the things in her mouth

- Stands on her tip-toes when she's trying to poop

- Started "tots" gymnastics class

- She dances like no child I've ever seen

- Tries to sing "Let it Go," "Try Everything," "ABC's," and "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star"

- Has 12 teeth

- Prefers to eat food off other people's plates instead of her own, even if it's the exact same thing

- Loves ketchup, sour cream, and ranch dressing. So much so that she doesn't care about eating actual food with the condiments.

- Gets really, really, really mad when it's time to get out of the bath

- Loves to take showers with Mommy

- Can count to 10

- Likes to sit on the potty even though she doesn't do any potty business

- Tells us when she's gone poo poo

- Loves to give kisses, hugs, high fives, and fist bumps

- Loves to dress up and put on clothes, shoes and accessories

- She adores the men in her life - Camden, Daddy, Papa, Uncle Joshy, Chris, and Jason

- Knows she's adorable and funny

We're in trouble with this little firecracker.

Zo Zo, I love you so.

Take Luck,

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