
Friday, March 20, 2015

Little Photog

The nesting bug his bitten and therefore our house is unusually tidy.  Not to be confused with clean.  Just tidy.

I was walking around the house this afternoon taking some photos, debating on if I should do a "home tour" post.  First of all, I don't think our house is particularly blog worthy, and second, we've lived in our new place for nine months and I have yet to decorate.  I have with many traits, but interior design is not one of them.  I have no style, no direction, and get completely overwhelmed when looking for inspiration on Pinterest.

Anyway, while walking around with my little helper, he kept tugging on my clothes and saying, "I do it!"  I'm embarrassing to admit how long it took me to realize what he was trying to say.  He wanted to take pictures, too!

I got down on his little man level, put the camera strap around his neck, set the camera to auto, helped him hoist it to his eye, let him aim, and helped him shoot.

Clearly, he has a thing for his basketball hoop.

This was a fun (and unexpected) little project.  He squealed with glee after each shot.  Hopefully this will be the first of many sessions with my little photog.

Take Luck,

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