
Monday, November 28, 2011

Dear Monday

It's Monday!  Time to link up with Megan for another Dear Monday

Dear Monday, You weren't so bad for a Monday.  After getting the bizerk-o monster puppies home from the kennel, you were quite pleasant.

Dear Dexter, Your episode last night scared the crap out of me, and the twist kinda blew my mind.  Ca-razyness!

Dear Weather Forecast, I love what you are forecasting.  Sunshine and cold temperatures for the foreseeable future.

Dear Christmas Shopping,  I am totally kicking your ask.

Dear Fall Semester, You are coming to a close and I have completed all of your requirements ahead of schedule.  Booya.

Dear December, I will only spend eight of your days in the office.  Hallelujah.

Dear Zumba, I love shaking my groove thang for an hour.  Even if I look ridiculous.

Dear Hubby, Thank you for being utterly useless while trying to put together our Christmas wish-lists for your parents.  Sometimes you are incredibly irritating, but it makes me love you more.

Take Luck,

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