Day 9: Describe someone who fascinates you.
Aside from loving hubby and family, I honestly cannot say that I am fascinated by one particular person.
Instead, there are types or qualities of people that fascinate or inspire me. These tend to be areas in which I lack.
I am inspired by those with unyielding faith.
I am a risk taker to a small degree, but otherwise I like to play it safe. I am fascinated by those who place big bets and take leaps of faith.
I truly admire people who redeem themselves. Whether they have had a rough time by their own hand, or just ran a course of bad luck... Those that make a change (or many changes) to turn their lives around for the better inspire me.
Some people just have the leader quality embedded in their DNA. I am fascinated by those who can lead, motivate and influence others.
I am fascinated by those who rebel or reject the status quo or whatever it is they know to be wrong - even if they are standing alone.
I am fascinated (and its debatable whether it is a good or bad fascination) by Mommas who have oodles of babies and still manage to keep it together. I figure - if they can wrangle that many... I will survive with wrangling a few.
[Defying Odds]
Not surprisingly, I am fascinated by those who defy the odds or surpass boundaries that have been put on them.
I am fascinated by the intelligent. I may not have a friggin' clue what they are talking about. But the fact that they know so much about something I know absolutely nothing about - amazes me.
I think that about covers it.
At least, for now.
Take Luck,
Love the spin on this! :) Good traits, Lauren!